Puzzles solved by marlena

Tropical gardens around Monte Palace on Madeira (Portugal) puzzle online from photoPanorama Istanbul (Turkey) online puzzleWatches puzzle online from photoCatherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (Russia) online puzzleA rock in the Ciudad Encantada National Park (Spain) online puzzleCity of Funchal on Madeira (Portugal) online puzzleCathedral of the Nativity of St. Mary in Milan (Italy) puzzle online from photoSnow on Colorado rocks (USA) puzzle online from photoAlamo in San Antonio (USA) puzzle online from photoFrankfurt am Main (Germany) puzzle online from photoWooden boats in Rockport (USA) puzzle online from photoColumbia River Gorge (USA) puzzle online from photoTheatre of Marcellus in Rome (Italy) online puzzleCity of San Miguel de Allende (Mexico) puzzle online from photoGhent on the Leie River (Belgium) puzzle online from photoManhattan skyline online puzzlePanorama of the town of Rožmberk (Czech Republic) online puzzleDijver canal in Bruges (Belgium) puzzle online from photoPalace in Velké Losiny (Czech Republic) puzzle online from photoProject TBF-723 online puzzleEvening panorama of Hong Kong (China) online puzzleThe sea around Land's End (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photoFreiburg im Breisgau (Germany) online puzzleMazovian landscape with the Narew River (Poland) puzzle online from photo
Painted on glass online puzzleMish mash puzzle online from photoStone buildings in the historic town of Peratallada (Spain) online puzzleSomething for everyone online puzzlePanorama of Havana (Cuba) puzzle online from photoNew town hall in Hannover (Germany) online puzzleSomething for everyone online puzzlePanorama of Salzburg (Austria) puzzle online from photoTraditional buildings along a canal in Amersfoort (Netherlands) puzzle online from photoVisby street full of roses (Sweden) online puzzleChain Bridge in Budapest (Hungary) puzzle online from photoCity Park in Yekaterinburg (Russia) online puzzlePanorama of Shanghai reflected in the surface of water (China) puzzle online from photoView of the New Cathedral in Plasencia (Spain) online puzzleBoat  in the dock of Gdańsk Shipyard puzzle online from photoStockholm (Sweden) puzzle online from photoGdańsk Old Town on Motława River (Poland) online puzzleGdańsk Shipyard (Poland) puzzle online from photoThe beauty of nature on the river Narew (Poland) online puzzleChurch of Transfiguration on the island of Kizhi (Russia) online puzzleView of Toronto from Ontario Lake (Canada) puzzle online from photoRoofs of houses in Kotor (Montenegro) online puzzlePanorama of Old Town in Stockholm (Sweden) online puzzlesports Hall online puzzle