Puzzles solved by Anna Teresa

Old City of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) online puzzleOld Town in Tallin (Estonia) puzzle online from photoTenements houses in Wroclaw (Poland) online puzzleRestaurant on water (Holland) puzzle online from photoOld Town of Tallinn (Estonia) online puzzleView of Astana from the Bayterek observation tower (Kazakhstan) online puzzleHercilio Luz Bridge in Florianópolis (Brazil) puzzle online from photoBowl of Hungarian goulash with pepper puzzle online from photoflowers online puzzleTropical beach (Fiji) online puzzleOdle Massif in South Tirol (Italy) puzzle online from photoThe Charles Bridge in Prague (Czech Republic) puzzle online from photoRoyal Castle in Budapest (Hungary) puzzle online from photoSunset on Santorini (Greece) online puzzleOld Town Hall in Bamberg (Germany) puzzle online from photoMountainous creek at the foot of Mount Whitney (USA) puzzle online from photoTropical beach online puzzleLamai Beach on the Island of Koh Samui (Thailand) online puzzleRiksdag Building and North Bridge in Stockholm (Sweden) online puzzleGreen panorama of Lofoten Islands (Norway) online puzzleGerman Christmas fruit cake puzzle online from photoCliffs in County Kerry (Ireland) puzzle online from photoTioga Lake (USA) online puzzleTōkyō Station in Tokyo (Japan) online puzzle
Traditional white house in the village of Bozhentsi (Bulgaria) puzzle online from photoRoofs of Paris tenement houses seen from the tower of Notre Dame Cathedral (Fran online puzzleLake Skadar (Montenegro) puzzle online from photoWaffles with whipped cream, strawberries and chocolate sauce online puzzleBaseball caps puzzle online from photoVasco da Gama Bridge (Portugal) online puzzleBridge over the Dordogne river (France) puzzle online from photoPicturesque village near Split (Croatia) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Bangkok (Thailand) online puzzleMarket Square in Kalisz (Poland) puzzle online from photoOld buildings in Piobbico (Italy) online puzzleRAILWAY STATION - OSTROWIEC ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKI puzzle online from photoGrand Canal of Venice (Italy) online puzzlePiazza della Repubblica in Florence (Italy) online puzzlePolish sour rye soup with eggs online puzzleBeach on the North Cape (Norway) puzzle online from photoCable car over Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) puzzle online from photoView of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) online puzzleComposition of rainbow-colored roses puzzle online from photoIce cream dessert online puzzlePanorama of Portland (USA) online puzzlePanorama of the Lofoten Islands (Norway) puzzle online from photoFishing boat on Majorca (Spain) online puzzleHome garden puzzle online from photo