Puzzles solved by Edyta

Panorama of Loreto Aprutino (Italy) puzzle online from photoWooden fences in Visby (Sweden) online puzzleKotelnicheskaya Embankment Building (Russia) puzzle online from photoPorto Cristo (Spain) online puzzleStreet in Borgholm (Sweden) online puzzlePanorama of the town of Teignmouth (United Kingdom) online puzzlePanorama of Dresden (Germany) puzzle online from photoPanorama Istanbul (Turkey) online puzzleSkyscrapers in Panama City (Panama) online puzzleGhent on the Leie River (Belgium) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Shanghai reflected in the surface of water (China) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Nashville (USA) puzzle online from photoNight view of the canal in Bruges (Belgium) puzzle online from photoNight panorama of Hong Kong (China) online puzzleHouses on the river Regnitz in Bamberg (Germany) puzzle online from photoNight panorama of Frankfurt am Main (Germany) online puzzleCity of Brisbane (Australia) online puzzleThe market in the city of Arezzo (Italy) online puzzleEvening panorama of Zurich (Switzerland) online puzzleGdańsk Old Town on Motława River (Poland) online puzzleBeach in Scarborough (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photoHanseatic buildings in Bergen (Norway) online puzzleBay in the town of Bogliasco (Italy) online puzzleMantua – a town surrounded by lakes (Italy) online puzzle
Panorama of Helsinki with the Uspenski Cathedral (Finland) puzzle online from photoCape Town (South Africa) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Orlando at night (USA) online puzzleView from the Michigan Avenue Bridge on the Chicago River (USA) puzzle online from photoModern buildings in Shanghai (China) online puzzleVillage of Mürren (Switzerland) puzzle online from photoView of Tel Aviv coastline (Israel) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Budapest at dusk (Hungary) puzzle online from photoGifts of autumn online puzzleRossio Square in Lisbon (Portugal) online puzzleFishing town of Tenby (United Kingdom) online puzzleIruya (Argentina) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Bangkok (Thailand) online puzzleView of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) online puzzleGangnam District in Seoul (South Korea) online puzzleView of Birmingham in Alabama (USA) online puzzleLimmat River in Zurich (Switzerland) online puzzleMinato Mirai in Yokohama (Japan) puzzle online from photoKarlovy Vary (Czech Republic) online puzzleVillage of Motovun (Croatia) puzzle online from photoBird’s-eye view of Zurich (Switzerland) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Salzburg on Salzach River (Austria) puzzle online from photoRiomaggiore (Italy) puzzle online from photoView of Bruges (Belgium) online puzzle
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