Puzzles solved by popo

Palm branches shelter online puzzleLighthouse in Rattray Head (United Kingdom) online puzzleFloating market in Bangkok (Thailand) online puzzleJame'Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque (Brunei) puzzle online from photoTorres del Paine National Park (Chile) puzzle online from photo"Long-tail" type boat in Thailand puzzle online from photoSaint Nicolas Church in Prague (Czech Republic) online puzzleThe arcaded house online puzzleView of Arc de Triomphe from the Avenue des Champs-Élysées (France) puzzle online from photoMain square with Kutubiyya Mosque in Marrakesh (Morocco) online puzzleTraditional Hungarian goulash soup online puzzleDevastated facade of a house (Portugal) online puzzleTenements houses in Wroclaw (Poland) online puzzleRossio Square in Lisbon (Portugal) online puzzleCastle in Lednice (Czech Republic) online puzzleMont des Arts district in Brussels (Belgium) online puzzleWawel Royal Castle (Poland) puzzle online from photoSunset on the tropical beach online puzzleSunset on Achill Island (Ireland) online puzzleBeach on Roatan (Honduras) online puzzleCup of coffee with the sprigs of flowering apple-tree online puzzleLanikai Beach (Hawaii, USA) online puzzlePair of kittens online puzzleHungarian Parliament Building (Hungary) puzzle online from photo
Street in the town of Terena (Portugal) puzzle online from photoHotel in Kolymbia (Greece) puzzle online from photoChâteau de la Bretesche (France) puzzle online from photoon the market puzzle online from photoCentre of Rome by the Trajan’s Forum (Italy) online puzzleAra parrot puzzle online from photoWater-lily online puzzleRabbit on Grass puzzle online from photoPuppy online puzzleHeap of vegetables and fruits online puzzleStill life with fruits and a bouquet of flowers online puzzleAutumn gifts of nature puzzle online from photoEgeskov Castle (Denmark) puzzle online from photoPatio with a fireplace and wooden roof online puzzleCactuses puzzle online from photoPool balls puzzle online from photoKorean cuisine online puzzleBamboo bowl with nasi kerabu puzzle online from photoButterfly - Monarch online puzzleCastle of Manzanares El Real (Spain) puzzle online from photoPrimeval forest (New Zealand) online puzzleValentine’s Day chocolates online puzzleProducts used in the Italian cuisine puzzle online from photoSan Andrés and Providencia (Colombia) online puzzle
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