Puzzles solved by karo

Harbour City - Sydney (Australia) puzzle online from photoThe seat of Sheffield authorities (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photoMerry Christmas online puzzleSpa decorations online puzzleRepair of cutters in the port of Nexø (Denmark) puzzle online from photoThe Alpine village (Austria) online puzzleYoung jaguar with its mother online puzzlemerry santa clauses puzzle online from photoPedestrian footbridge on the Yarra River (Australia) puzzle online from photoIvan Vazov National Theatre (Bulgaria) online puzzleThe village of Broadway (Great Britain) puzzle online from photoFireplace and garden furniture online puzzleLearning to count supplies online puzzleKrutitskoe Podvorye in Moscow (Russia) online puzzleThree wicker baskets with autumn fruits and flowers online puzzleWooden bridge in Nové Město nad Metují (Czech Republic) online puzzleChurch of Our Lady in Prague (Czech Republic) online puzzleColorful tomatoes puzzle online from photoSweet drops online puzzleDraughtsman's tools online puzzleWater taxis on Poros (Greece) puzzle online from photoCzech garlic soup puzzle online from photoStockalper Castle (Switzerland) puzzle online from photoGardner Street in Glasgow (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photo
Village in the province of Burgos (Spain) online puzzleStreet in the town of Gorinchem (Holland) online puzzleVintage peak on Victoria Peak (China) online puzzleImages puzzle online from photoFrench macarons puzzle online from photoCotton fabric flowers online puzzleMish mash online puzzleFlowers online puzzleHippopotamus online puzzleFormer gymnasium in Olsztyn puzzle online from photoHouses in Nexø (Denmark) online puzzleCD-ROMs puzzle online from photoCathedral of Saint Stephen in Metz (France) online puzzleCharming house in the village of Robin Hood’s Bay (United Kingdom) online puzzleBouquet of red and pink flowers online puzzleKärnan Tower in Helsingborg (Sweden) online puzzleThe community of Ushguli (Georgia) puzzle online from photoHouses in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) puzzle online from photoHoly Gate in Suzdal (Russia) puzzle online from photoRound... online puzzleView of Barcelona from the Montjuic Hill(Spain) puzzle online from photoSouth Gate in Frombork (Poland) puzzle online from photoRural houses in Wy-dit-Joli-Village (France) online puzzleBy the graduation towers (Poland) puzzle online from photo