Puzzles solved by grazka

Town of Vernazza in Cinque Terre region (Italy) puzzle online from photoGreen iguana online puzzleSpacious patio puzzle online from photoElectric commuter train (Russia) online puzzleSunset over a mountain village covered with snow puzzle online from photoClock measuring time until New Year puzzle online from photoFountain in the town of Telč (Czech Republic) online puzzleNarrow street in the town of Flores (Guatemala) puzzle online from photoPanorama of London with the building 30 St Mary Axe (United Kingdom) online puzzleCup of strawberry ice cream online puzzleYorkshire terriers with bows online puzzleVarious hats at the market stall puzzle online from photoStreet in the village of Valldemossa (Spain) puzzle online from photoPuppies wearing woolen hats online puzzlePoppy-seed cake in Christmas setting puzzle online from photoCathedral of Saint Stephen in Metz (France) online puzzleColumbia River Gorge (USA) puzzle online from photoAmerican Cocker Spaniel online puzzleItalian specialties online puzzleAsian style dish online puzzleSunflower online puzzlePromenade in Bridgetown (Barbados) online puzzleSide street in Bairro Alto district (Portugal) online puzzleChristmas fair in Magdeburg (Germany) online puzzle
Sailing online puzzleCalligraphy tools puzzle online from photoCaravanserai Büyük Han (Cyprus) online puzzleFarm in Pennsylvania (USA) puzzle online from photoMount Ďumbier (Slovakia) online puzzleModern kitchen online puzzleGardens of the Nymphenburg Palace in autumn (Germany) puzzle online from photoDecoration of colored paper puzzle online from photoCharczo – vegetable soup with wheat bread online puzzleBoard with different types of cheese online puzzleGeorgian khachapuri with meat and vegetables puzzle online from photoChihuahua dogs in wedding clothes online puzzlePuppy and kittens puzzle online from photoCoast of the island of Kaua'i (USA) puzzle online from photoStill life with red wine puzzle online from photoPlumeria online puzzleTampa skyscrapers (USA) puzzle online from photoSmoothie with strawberries, raspberries and cherries online puzzlePuppies online puzzleKimchi soup online puzzleEaster pastries puzzle online from photoPuppy online puzzleNew Cathedral in Salamanca (Spain) online puzzleCookies in the shape of Easter eggs online puzzle