Puzzles commented by zuza

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up the stairs48natala • solved 1,411 times
Upside down house in Szymbark online puzzleSolve puzzle
Upside down house in Szymbark48dzastta • solved 787 times
Cuuute cat :))) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Cuuute cat :)))48marti • solved 758 times
Leda online puzzleSolve puzzle
Leda48Janusz • solved 1,354 times
Little dog:) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Little dog:)72meg meg • solved 497 times
Puzzle pieces puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Puzzle pieces36One Direction • solved 88 times
Alley... online puzzleSolve puzzle
Alley...204mamina • solved 709 times
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moviestarplanet.blogspot.com30mileniczka • solved 189 times
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Sarah30Sara. • solved 350 times
Puppy15DJ DJ • solved 4,863 times
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MovieStarPlanet15Mileniczka • solved 96 times
Puzzle puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Puzzle1500Sopie00 • solved 94 times
Our school online puzzleSolve puzzle
Our school20Tomasz Fellenberg • solved 86 times
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Horses in the pasture35zuzule • solved 2,165 times
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Puppies wearing woolen hats42lilun • solved 3,959 times
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Fishing village on the island of Paros (Greece)42kiterin • solved 2,756 times
View from the island of Kea to Makronisos (Greece) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
View from the island of Kea to Makronisos (Greece)35Lukasz Skorwider • solved 3,891 times
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Bar in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca (Costa Rica)88Vilainecrevette • solved 1,611 times
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A sleeping kitten35marina99 • solved 3,279 times
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Flowered balcony in Teror (Spain)165Tono Balaguer • solved 2,988 times
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Side street in Bairro Alto district (Portugal)60Lukasz Skorwider • solved 1,175 times
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White horse in gallop30vikarus • solved 4,382 times
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Winter walk puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Winter walk24peter1977 • solved 3,757 times
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Panorama of Stockholm (Sweden)91Jorisvo • solved 1,045 times
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Evening panorama of Hong Kong (China)35Leung Cho Pan • solved 2,161 times
Living room with large windows online puzzleSolve puzzle
Living room with large windows35iriana88w • solved 3,846 times
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Hermitage in the Galata Monastery in Iassy (Romania)70igabriela • solved 2,715 times
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Two cuddling cats35jonnysek • solved 2,187 times
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Victorian houses in Galveston (USA)84Fotoluminate • solved 1,584 times
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Roofs of Nuremberg (Germany)32sepavo • solved 3,865 times
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The town of Schiltach in the Black Forest (Germany)54Pere Sanz • solved 3,573 times
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Old houses in Aarhus (Denmark)35(c) Globalphoto • solved 10,542 times
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Christmas gingerbread126Ingrid Balabanova • solved 4,433 times
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Christmas decorations176merc67 • solved 1,987 times
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Bartoszowicki Bridge in Wroclaw (Poland)54(c) Andrzej Kwiatkowski • solved 4,889 times
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Tower Bridge24(c) Mark Martin - FOTOLIA • solved 10,282 times
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Charles Bridge in Prague (Czech Republic)140Wai Heng Chow • solved 14,294 times
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Pont au Change in Paris (France)40Valerijs Kostreckis • solved 9,514 times
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Oberbaum Bridge in Berlin (Germany)48lianem • solved 1,268 times
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