Puzzles solved by maki

Hot air baloons online puzzleLilac bouquet puzzle online from photoLeeds Castle (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photoComposition of aromatic spices, coffee beans and chocolate online puzzleEilean Donan Castle (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photoPiper Apache (PA-23-160) online puzzleSunrise over the Atlantic Ocean online puzzlePlace of unloading containers puzzle online from photoMute Swan online puzzleWaterfall near Coyhaique (Chile) puzzle online from photoRuins of the Wall of Constantinople in Istanbul (Turkey) online puzzleInside of the lighthouse on the Island of Vierge (France) online puzzlePositano (Italy) puzzle online from photoCharles Bridge in Prague (Czech Republic) online puzzleTraditional white house in the village of Bozhentsi (Bulgaria) puzzle online from photoCulzean Castle (Scotland) online puzzleWooden bridge in Nové Město nad Metují (Czech Republic) online puzzle42nd Street in New York City (USA) online puzzleCoffee grinder online puzzleLondon online puzzlePrivate beach in Indonesia puzzle online from photoShinkyo Bridge in Nikko (Japan) puzzle online from photoPennybacker Bridge in Austin (USA) puzzle online from photoThe Buddhist temple of Wat Arun (Thailand) online puzzle
Waterfalls in the Rincón de la Vieja National Park (Costa Rica) online puzzleCamara de Lobos on the island of Madeira (Portugal) puzzle online from photoEast River Strait and Manhattan Bridge (USA) online puzzleAsenova Krepost (Bulgaria) online puzzleChristmas gingerbread online puzzleLeaning Tower puzzle online from photoPoppy-seed cake in Christmas setting puzzle online from photoLobster cocktail online puzzlePuppy of Greenland Dog online puzzleOquirrh Mountain Temple online puzzleDunajec Castle in Niedzica (Poland) puzzle online from photoRed fox puzzle online from photoBRDM online puzzleCanoeing on the island of Ko Phi Phi Don (Thailand) puzzle online from photoBowl of Hungarian goulash with pepper puzzle online from photoCambridge University (United Kingdom) online puzzleChocolates puzzle online from photoBathing Boxes at Brighton Beach in Melbourne (Australia) online puzzlehandmade egg puzzle online from photoRhodesian puppies puzzle online from photoOur sweetheart puzzle online from photoTable decoration at the wedding reception online puzzleMontserrat Sanctuary in Catalonia puzzle online from photoHats online puzzle