Puzzles solved by xxx

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Little bird online puzzleSpring puzzle online from photoEquitable Building in Des Moines (USA) puzzle online from photoCanal in Venice (Italy) online puzzleNarrow street in Tréguier (France) puzzle online from photocow puzzle online from photoIslet in the Masurian lake (Poland) puzzle online from photoPanorama of Beijing-based CCTV (China) online puzzleDetails in Wat Phra Kaew temple (Thailand) puzzle online from photoBenjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia (USA) puzzle online from photoThe ancient theater at Delphi (Greece) online puzzleOld Town in Stockholm (Sweden) puzzle online from photoSliced fruits online puzzleTea roses online puzzleStreets in Bangkok (Thailand) puzzle online from photoDowntown Tampa, Florida (USA) puzzle online from photoMay puzzle online from photoVillage of Baška on the island of Krk (Croatia) online puzzleThe city of Nafplio (Greece) online puzzleClothes made of wool online puzzleKrakovec Castle (Czech Republic) puzzle online from photoSulfur-crested Cockatoo puzzle online from photoFairy chimneys (Turkey) online puzzleFishing boats in Scarborough (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photo