Puzzles commented by grazka

Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Puerto Vallarta (Mexico)260Rafael Ramirez Lee • solved 1,144 times
Floating market in Bangkok (Thailand) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Floating market in Bangkok (Thailand)80Kate Shephard • solved 7,023 times
Roundabout (San Marino) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Roundabout (San Marino)294Anna Chelnokova • solved 1,452 times
Pistachio nuts puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Pistachio nuts108baloncici • solved 1,598 times
Citrus fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Citrus fruits130Edyta Pawlowska • solved 3,788 times
Road among autumn trees (USA) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Road among autumn trees (USA)98snehit • solved 2,006 times
Colmar (France) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Colmar (France)228Arseniy Chervonenkis • solved 2,712 times
Đurđević Bridge (Montenegro) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Đurđević Bridge (Montenegro)108Jelica Grkic • solved 2,377 times
Temple XIV in the Palenque complex of ruins (Mexico) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Temple XIV in the Palenque complex of ruins (Mexico)126Marco Regalia • solved 1,479 times
Engine puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Engine192Ali Taylor • solved 2,982 times
Rossio Square in Lisbon (Portugal) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Rossio Square in Lisbon (Portugal)345(c) Matt Trommer (123rf) • solved 913 times
Bouquet of flowers puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Bouquet of flowers168Anyakin Viacheslav • solved 2,750 times
Fort Amber (India) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Fort Amber (India)170Jeremy Richards • solved 1,316 times
Red and white flowers from the forticulture in Keukenhof  (Holland) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzleBouquet of flowers puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Bouquet of flowers42Studio Porto Sabbia • solved 8,571 times
Pasta mix puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Pasta mix216Krzysztof Slusarczyk • solved 1,267 times
Poker puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Poker204Brad Wynnyk • solved 826 times
Panorama of Sibiu (Romania) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Panorama of Sibiu (Romania)150Radu Razvan • solved 2,061 times
Block of flats' facade puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Block of flats' facade273Martin Vonka • solved 1,391 times
Panorama of Guanajuato (Mexico) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Panorama of Guanajuato (Mexico)150Robert Crum • solved 542 times
Puppy online puzzleSolve puzzle
Puppy35Oscar Williams • solved 5,972 times
Primosten (Croatia) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Primosten (Croatia)150Darko Vučić • solved 613 times
Banknotes puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Banknotes315(c) Harris Shiffman - Fotolia. • solved 3,257 times
Old town in Porto (Portugal) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Old town in Porto (Portugal)187taolmor • solved 1,426 times
Tokyo (Japan) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Tokyo (Japan)192(c) Wai Heng Chow - FOTOLIA • solved 690 times
Old cottage in the Dolomites (Italy) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Old cottage in the Dolomites (Italy)54Renata Sedmakova • solved 2,701 times
Asenova Krepost (Bulgaria) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Asenova Krepost (Bulgaria)48(c) Gergana Todorchovska • solved 3,507 times
The Alpine village (Austria) online puzzleSolve puzzle
The Alpine village (Austria)126(c) Brian Jackson • solved 1,973 times
Small street in Cusco (Peru) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Small street in Cusco (Peru)96Alexey Stiop • solved 1,723 times
Puppies in a basket puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Puppies in a basket70Nic Neish • solved 2,467 times
Airedale terrier puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Airedale terrier45(c) Anneke Schram • solved 7,811 times
View on Portland and Marquam Bridge (USA) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
View on Portland and Marquam Bridge (USA)300Chris Howells • solved 1,181 times
Chocolate box - chocolate cups puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Chocolate box - chocolate cups247(c) Peter Lakomy • solved 1,269 times
Symbolism of colorful flowers puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Symbolism of colorful flowers294Darren Fisher • solved 1,272 times
Warsaw skyline (Poland) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Warsaw skyline (Poland)216(c) laurent dambies - Fotolia. • solved 1,110 times
Sunset at the sea coast puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Sunset at the sea coast54Nikolay Titov • solved 8,055 times
Predjama Castle (Slovenia) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Predjama Castle (Slovenia)216(c) simonkr - Fotolia.com • solved 1,140 times
Pastel houses in Seui (Italy) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Pastel houses in Seui (Italy)247(c) Steve Estvanik (123rf) • solved 715 times
Field of dandelions puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Field of dandelions56(c) Jo Ann Snover (123rf) • solved 1,421 times
Beverage cans puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Beverage cans294(c) Roman Milert (123rf) • solved 955 times
Coloured pencils online puzzleSolve puzzle
Coloured pencils24(c) Irina Tischenko (123rf) • solved 11,380 times
Chocolate candies online puzzleSolve puzzle
Chocolate candies247(c) Johanna Goodyear (123rf) • solved 4,193 times
Spools of thread puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Spools of thread580(c) DJM Photo (123rf) • solved 12,019 times
Monarch butterfly puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Monarch butterfly48Katrina Brown • solved 9,255 times
Tea plantation (Uganda) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Tea plantation (Uganda)60(c) Dmitry Pichugin (123rf) • solved 4,172 times
Engine online puzzleSolve puzzle
Engine117(c) nikolaev - FOTOLIA • solved 2,724 times
Paris from Tour Montparnasse (France) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Paris from Tour Montparnasse (France)247Jaroslaw Pytlinski • solved 897 times
Lyon (France) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Lyon (France)176(c) jakezc • solved 751 times
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