Monarch butterfly online puzzle
Monarch (Danaus plexippus, Danaus Wanderer) is a wandering butterfly from the Nymphalidae family. It is found in America (mostly on the territory from Canada to Argentina), on the Hawaii Islands, in Indonesia, Australia and Europe. It is characterized by a uniform coloring, not dependent on the place of existence. The length of the monarch (from a head to the end of an abdomen) reaches up to 3 cm, the wingspan - up to 10 cm. The length of monarchs' life is estimated on 3-4 weeks, and that of the hibernating generation (hibernating places of the monarchs are located in California and Mexico) - on 7 to 8 months. Monarch is a very well know butterfly species due to the fact that its populations migrate long distances from North America. Butterflies flying south in autumn travel almost 2900 km.