Puzzles solved by ave

Signs along the road on the island of Kea (Greece) puzzle online from photoMercado Dos Lavradores market in Madeira (Portugal) online puzzleMish mash puzzle online from photoOpen-air museum Pirogovo in Kiev (Ukraine) puzzle online from photopuzz mix online puzzlePuzzle Mix online puzzleGeorgian khachapuri with meat and vegetables puzzle online from photogallery puzzle online from photoYachts at the marina in Poros (Greece) online puzzleColored pebbles and shells on sand formed by waves puzzle online from photoImages puzzle online from photoLoket Castle (Czech Republic) puzzle online from photoSalad with cherry tomatoes online puzzleSomething tasty for everyone puzzle online from photoPuppy and kittens puzzle online from photoTikka Powder Bowls puzzle online from photoFloral collage online puzzleColorful houses in Burano (Italy) online puzzlefruit puzzle online from photoHospital of the Holy Spirit in Nuremberg (Germany) puzzle online from photoFlowers online puzzleAdelaide Center (Australia) online puzzleSkyscrapers in the city of Pittsburgh (USA) puzzle online from photoPainting puzzle online from photo
Fountain in the town of Telč (Czech Republic) online puzzleComposition of colorful jelly slices puzzle online from photobirds, birds online puzzlepets online puzzleCharterhouse of San Giacomo (Italy) online puzzleImages puzzle online from photoPassenger train puzzle online from photoFresh green smoothie online puzzlecosmos puzzle online from photoAustralia1 puzzle online from phototutti frutti puzzle online from photoPanorama of London with the building 30 St Mary Axe (United Kingdom) online puzzleflowers puzzle online from photopuzz mix online puzzlePuzzle Mix online puzzleChristmas puppies online puzzleSunset over the Moskva River (Russia) online puzzleMish mash puzzle online from photoPainting online puzzlePeacock puzzle online from photoPuzzle Mix online puzzleComposition of green tea and jasmine springs online puzzleKimchi soup online puzzlekogiel could online puzzle