Puzzles solved by NELL

Fruit salad puzzle online from photoChihuahua dogs in wedding clothes online puzzleExotic cocktails on the beach online puzzleDomestic cat puzzle online from photoPuppy of Labrador Retriever puzzle online from photoRound and round online puzzleWhite lamp puzzle online from photopaws online puzzleClocks online puzzleClock online puzzleSunset by the sea in Carrasqueira (Portugal) puzzle online from photoHammershus Castle (Denmark) online puzzleCathedral Cove (New Zealand) puzzle online from photoChristmas sweets online puzzlePrimeval forest (New Zealand) online puzzleNancy, the polar bear puzzle online from photoLake in Småland (Sweden) puzzle online from photoWarwick Castle (Great Britan) online puzzleLovely kitten online puzzlePohuku Geyser (New Zealand) online puzzleBeelitz Heilstätten (Germany) puzzle online from photoTelephone set in a telephone box puzzle online from photoRiomaggiore (Italy) puzzle online from photoRound Tower at Windsor Castle (United Kingdom) online puzzle