Puzzles solved by DANIELA

Polish gingerbread puzzle online from photoClock face at Elizabeth Tower (United Kingdom) puzzle online from photoRotterdam Centre (Holland) puzzle online from photoChristmas gingerbread online puzzleColorful pills online puzzleFresh fruits at the market puzzle online from photoQuiet street in Meersburg (Germany) online puzzleColorful tajine pots at the market online puzzleElegant shoes for children puzzle online from photoBird’s-eye view of the town of Vernazza (Italy) online puzzleOpel Olympia Rekord online puzzlemarcinki puzzle online from photoComposition of seashells puzzle online from photoHemerocallis online puzzleabanicos puzzle online from photoShepherd Jesus puzzle online from photoBuildings at Al-Madina bazaar in Aleppo (Syria) puzzle online from photoHangers with colorful trousers online puzzleBouquet of various flower puzzle online from photoComposition of flowers online puzzleTown Hall in Chełmno (Poland) online puzzleRiver in Patagonia (Chile) online puzzlePier in St. Augustine (USA) online puzzleCherry dessert online puzzle
Detail above the entrance to La Seu Cathedral (Spain) online puzzleVenice-collage online puzzleJohannisburg Castle (Germany) online puzzlePort of Lindau (Germany) puzzle online from photoWaterlily nymphaea puzzle online from photoJack Russell terrier in sunglasses online puzzleRed Deer online puzzleKiwano in the company of other vegetables and fruits online puzzlestadium online puzzleWindmills on Zakynthos (Greece) online puzzleStreet in Certaldo (Italy) puzzle online from photoCity of Lodi in Lombardy (Italy) puzzle online from photoThe Gothic Quarter in Barcelona (Spain) puzzle online from photoCows puzzle online from photoThe interior of a modern house online puzzleWater lilies on lake Barmsee (Germany) online puzzleCracow online puzzlegallery online puzzleCamogli (Italy) puzzle online from photoSomething for everyone puzzle online from photoHotel in Kolymbia (Greece) puzzle online from photoAutumn vegetables and fruits puzzle online from photoSleigh Ride online puzzle"Long-tail" type boat in Thailand puzzle online from photo