Puzzles in which abc is first on the podium in the ranking based on moves

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On the street puzzle online from photoLondon puzzle online from photoLondon online puzzlePanorama of Menton (France) puzzle online from photoVilnius online puzzleWroclaw online puzzleBergamo online puzzlePanorama of Venice at sunset (Italy) online puzzleShips passing the retractable bridge in Darłowo (Poland) online puzzleSunny day in Karlskrona (Sweden) puzzle online from photoVenice puzzle online from photoGamla Stan in Stockholm (Sweden) online puzzleMansion puzzle online from photoBarcelona online puzzleLondon puzzle online from photoBlumen online puzzleWygiełzów online puzzleChapel of St. Serca P. J. in Jaszczurówka puzzle online from phototemple in thailand online puzzleHaus mit Blumen puzzle online from photoRebuild the western frontage of the Old Market Square. online puzzleBuildings at Al-Madina bazaar in Aleppo (Syria) puzzle online from photoMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra puzzle online from photoflowers online puzzle
Flowers online puzzleBlumen online puzzleJesus in the desert online puzzleBotticelli Venus online puzzleDowntown of Warsaw (Poland) puzzle online from photoStop no. 10 - PRZEMYŚL puzzle online from photoLondon online puzzleStrasbourg seen from the tower of the Cathedral (France) puzzle online from photoBogota (Colombia) puzzle online from photoA postcard from Vienna puzzle online from photoLondon online puzzleChurch of Our Lady in Bruges puzzle online from photoIn front of the central station puzzle online from photoLondon puzzle online from photoNational Bank puzzle online from photoLondon online puzzleCathedral of Valencia (Spain) online puzzlemurrayhill online puzzleBrooklyn online puzzleMantua – a town surrounded by lakes (Italy) online puzzleStreet online puzzlecity online puzzleLONDON BUSES online puzzleThe Irish Pub puzzle online from photo