Puzzles solved by OLaaa

Dishes60(c) Igor Ostapchuk • solved 10,235 times
Towels60(c) Ruta Saulyte-Laurinavicien • solved 7,885 times
Salts solutions66(c) JoD in Lab • solved 5,415 times
Sewing items on colorful fabrics45Andreja Donko • solved 15,379 times
Home garden54Ivonne Wierink • solved 7,304 times
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Products used in the Italian cuisine54Karin Lau • solved 14,415 times
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Rainbow colors54Yiannis Dimkopoulos • solved 16,535 times
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Bottle on a beach45Katrina Brown • solved 4,515 times
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Welcome to Las Vegas sign (USA)54Stephen Coburn • solved 5,153 times
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Ice cream dessert54Karen Roach • solved 9,243 times
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Fishing equipment54(c) Aliaksandr Zabudzko • solved 4,124 times
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Flasks48JoD in Lab • solved 3,957 times
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Still life42Nilanjan Bhattacharya • solved 17,426 times
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The second birthday of the Kenamyszowy flock15Kenamyszowe Stado • solved 1,197 times
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Friesian horse40Ala Ala • solved 475 times
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Bengal tiger77(c) TAOLMOR - FOTOLIA • solved 3,068 times
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Young Husky63Bonzami Emmanuelle • solved 4,184 times
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African Elephant70(c) Chris Fourie • solved 3,465 times
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Wild horses in the Alpine Dolomites (Italy)55Marco Regalia • solved 3,917 times
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Hippopotamus54Pawee Lorsuwannarat • solved 3,203 times
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Nestling of Magnificent Frigatebird48leksele • solved 4,283 times
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Siberian Husky54Jennifer Selig • solved 6,785 times
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King Charles Spaniel wearing a necklace of pearls48Maria Bell • solved 8,059 times
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Giraffe in the African bush40(c) Chris Fourie (123rf) • solved 5,787 times
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