Puzzles solved by KLS

School sandwich143margouillat • solved 1,484 times
Domestic cats88Jacek Nowak • solved 1,983 times
Fresh green smoothie88Zerbor • solved 6,891 times
Yachts at the quay in Helsinki (Finland)78William Perugini • solved 749 times
Charles Bridge in Prague (Prague)72Tomas1111 • solved 1,213 times
Houses in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Houses in Plovdiv (Bulgaria)108Oleksii Sergieiev • solved 1,322 times
Colorful shells puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Colorful shells266Roman Milert • solved 5,391 times
Composition of colorful fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Composition of colorful fruits221Serg_v • solved 4,895 times
Colorful woolen socks online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful woolen socks228trgowanlock • solved 1,124 times
Birthday delicacies and decorations online puzzleSolve puzzle
Birthday delicacies and decorations234Teresa Kasprzycka • solved 3,845 times
Caravanserai Büyük Han (Cyprus) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Caravanserai Büyük Han (Cyprus)72Kirill Makarov • solved 1,676 times
Jars of preserved vegetables on a wooden shelf online puzzleSolve puzzle
Jars of preserved vegetables on a wooden shelf88Algirdas Urbonavicius • solved 3,887 times
Cherry dessert online puzzleSolve puzzle
Cherry dessert80Zoryana Ivchenko • solved 3,800 times
The front door puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
The front door247Richard Thomas • solved 6,851 times
Gorolian cheeses puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Gorolian cheeses228Lukasz Skorwider • solved 1,548 times
Old houses in Candelaria (Colombia) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Old houses in Candelaria (Colombia)108javarman • solved 1,851 times
Sandwich puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Sandwich80margouillat • solved 1,421 times
Colorful houses in Burano (Italy) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful houses in Burano (Italy)96Tanialerro • solved 958 times
Vegetables, fruits and parsley online puzzleSolve puzzle
Vegetables, fruits and parsley96Serg_v • solved 3,472 times
Colored jellybeans puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Colored jellybeans88pioneer111 • solved 2,910 times
Sweet potato pie online puzzleSolve puzzle
Sweet potato pie88Markstout • solved 886 times
Vegetables and fruits that support immunity online puzzleSolve puzzle
Vegetables and fruits that support immunity228marilyna • solved 2,320 times
Fresh fruit and vegetables puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Fresh fruit and vegetables228Serg_v • solved 3,703 times
Easter eggs puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Easter eggs280Wojciech Kaczkowski • solved 4,069 times
Bottle caps puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Bottle caps280(c) tihis • solved 3,827 times
A bunch of different flowers puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
A bunch of different flowers160(c) Lucian Coman • solved 3,973 times
Tropical fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Tropical fruits160Supot Suebwongsa • solved 1,067 times
Colorful hard candies online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful hard candies204alexat25 • solved 1,380 times
Small Tortoiseshell online puzzleSolve puzzle
Small Tortoiseshell70Kathrin Reinicke • solved 3,321 times
Port in Vancouver (Canada) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Port in Vancouver (Canada)60Ben Goode • solved 1,862 times
Dishes online puzzleSolve puzzle
Dishes60(c) Igor Ostapchuk • solved 10,192 times
Continental breakfast online puzzleSolve puzzle
Continental breakfast209margouillat • solved 2,286 times
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Spices in wooden compartments195Elena Schweitzer • solved 717 times
Colorful umbrellas online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful umbrellas192oumjeab • solved 828 times
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Luxurious Art Deco living room84Christian Nitz • solved 2,113 times
Homemade preserves online puzzleSolve puzzle
Homemade preserves238Madllen • solved 4,169 times
French macarons puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
French macarons176Nataliya Hora • solved 2,517 times
Various meat products online puzzleSolve puzzle
Various meat products180Ilka Erika Szasz-fabian • solved 2,921 times
Fresh fruits at the market puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Fresh fruits at the market176Baloncici • solved 2,930 times
Citrus fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Citrus fruits192Edyta Pawlowska • solved 3,788 times
Port in Tromsø (Norway) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Port in Tromsø (Norway)187Vichaya Kiatying-angsulee • solved 2,887 times
Clock on the Big Ben Tower in London (Great Britain) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Clock on the Big Ben Tower in London (Great Britain)143Kevin Browne • solved 2,022 times
Fort Amber (India) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Fort Amber (India)170Jeremy Richards • solved 1,316 times
Temple XIV in the Palenque complex of ruins (Mexico) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Temple XIV in the Palenque complex of ruins (Mexico)126Marco Regalia • solved 1,479 times
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Colorful skeins of crewel176Madeleine Openshaw • solved 6,707 times
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Licorice allsorts176(c) Marilyn Barbone • solved 3,663 times
Easter Bunny online puzzleSolve puzzle
Easter Bunny192(c) Studio Porto Sabbia • solved 1,392 times
Culinary aspect of picnic online puzzleSolve puzzle
Culinary aspect of picnic160Anneke Schram • solved 8,326 times
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