Puzzles solved by Gdf

Gaztelugatxe Island (Spain) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Gaztelugatxe Island (Spain)48javiergil • solved 1,076 times
Autumn vegetables and fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Autumn vegetables and fruits35Nitr • solved 17,502 times
Mosaic of pastel flowers online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mosaic of pastel flowers247Arthit Somsakul • solved 1,404 times
Screws online puzzleSolve puzzle
Screws192Agita Leimane • solved 1,981 times
Romanian banknotes (RON) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Romanian banknotes (RON)468(c) Stefan Ataman • solved 1,638 times
Colorful nail varnishes online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful nail varnishes1605second • solved 3,554 times
Jewelry online puzzleSolve puzzle
Jewelry160Maxim Blinkov • solved 3,729 times
Fruit of the forest online puzzleSolve puzzle
Fruit of the forest140Markus Mainka • solved 586 times
Composition of rainbow-colored roses puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Composition of rainbow-colored roses187Serguei Vlassov • solved 1,543 times
Stall with wooden beads puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Stall with wooden beads176Anastasiya Piatrova • solved 1,474 times
Euro Banknotes puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Euro Banknotes345(c) Domen Colja (123rf) • solved 1,335 times
Turkish china puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Turkish china221(c) baloncici • solved 4,076 times
Lollipops and fruit drops puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Lollipops and fruit drops260Sergei Vinogradov • solved 2,652 times
Hangers with colorful trousers online puzzleSolve puzzle
Hangers with colorful trousers273Alessandro0770 • solved 1,659 times
Bottle caps puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Bottle caps280(c) tihis • solved 3,828 times
Homemade preserves online puzzleSolve puzzle
Homemade preserves238Madllen • solved 4,169 times
Mexican blankets puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Mexican blankets228(c) Bernardo Ertl • solved 2,371 times
Pills online puzzleSolve puzzle
Pills234JoD in Lab • solved 1,434 times
Spools of colored threads online puzzleSolve puzzle
Spools of colored threads294all32 • solved 782 times
A mix of colorful sweets online puzzleSolve puzzle
A mix of colorful sweets221Eans • solved 3,833 times
Seashells puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Seashells300(c) joseelias (123rf) • solved 2,611 times
CD-ROMs puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
CD-ROMs368Lukasz Skorwider • solved 3,560 times
Souvenirs from Rhodes (Greece) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Souvenirs from Rhodes (Greece)300Łukasz Skorwider • solved 1,998 times
Spools of thread puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Spools of thread442(c) DJM Photo (123rf) • solved 12,019 times
Vegetable stall puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Vegetable stall300(c) Elena Aliaga - FOTOLIA • solved 3,872 times
Fruit and vegetable stall puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Fruit and vegetable stall320Jean Morrison - Fotolia.com • solved 1,593 times
Vegetable stall puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Vegetable stall176Michal Adamczyk • solved 4,911 times
Keys puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Keys187(c) Photos. Com • solved 3,600 times
Colorful caramels online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful caramels204jenifoto • solved 1,435 times
Composition of ripe vegetables and fruits online puzzleSolve puzzle
Composition of ripe vegetables and fruits204Krzysztof Slusarczyk • solved 4,193 times
Fresh fruits at the market puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Fresh fruits at the market176Baloncici • solved 2,930 times
Colourful sweets puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Colourful sweets228(c) Rafa Irusta Machin • solved 3,170 times
Raspberries on the market online puzzleSolve puzzle
Raspberries on the market96Mariusz Prusaczyk • solved 1,363 times
Colorful pills online puzzleSolve puzzle
Colorful pills176Andrzej Tokarski • solved 8,038 times
Colorful buttons puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Colorful buttons210Jennifer Huls • solved 14,644 times
Baskets filled with vegetables and fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Baskets filled with vegetables and fruits160Matthew Antonino • solved 1,687 times
Tomatoes and cucumbers online puzzleSolve puzzle
Tomatoes and cucumbers176Vladimir Gorsky • solved 3,517 times
Still life of multi-colored fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Still life of multi-colored fruits182Aleksey Mnogosmyslov • solved 4,601 times
Fruits online puzzleSolve puzzle
Fruits150Olga Lyubkina - Fotolia.com • solved 10,333 times
Still life of colorful vegetables and fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Still life of colorful vegetables and fruits187Fotofreaks • solved 7,459 times
Fresh fruit juices puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Fresh fruit juices176Inga Nielsen • solved 5,998 times
Citrus fruits puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Citrus fruits192Edyta Pawlowska • solved 3,788 times
Heap of vegetables and fruits online puzzleSolve puzzle
Heap of vegetables and fruits126Kasia Bialasiewicz • solved 8,977 times
Products used in the Italian cuisine puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Products used in the Italian cuisine54Karin Lau • solved 14,388 times
Lake Brienz (Switzerland) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Lake Brienz (Switzerland)66(c) Rômulo Zanini • solved 10,080 times
Autumn yield online puzzleSolve puzzle
Autumn yield108Yuriy Chaban • solved 12,267 times
Canoeing on the island of Ko Phi Phi Don (Thailand)36Dmitry Pichugin • solved 4,818 times
Sunflower online puzzleSolve puzzle
Sunflower70(c) Irochka - Fotolia.com • solved 15,580 times
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