Sculptures on the facade of Notre-Dame Cathedral (France) online puzzle

Perseomedusa 99 2016-09-25
Sculptures on the facade of Notre-Dame Cathedral (France) online puzzle

Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is one of the most recognizable architectural structures in Europe. The construction of the temple began in the 12th century and lasted many years. The facades of the cathedral are characterized by an abundance of details – visitors may admire rosettes with beautiful stained glass, the royal gallery, exquisite portals decorated with carvings and statues. On the left side of the façade in the side portal there is a number of figures including the figure of St. Dionysius, who holds his own head. Dionysius was the first bishop of Paris and one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, as well as the patron saint of France. The iconography depicts this saint with the head separated from the body, which refers to his martyrdom by decapitation.

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      103okGOTYK geniusz człowieka101 ok106190Trudne :) 160...96:), piękne rzeżby98,też dobrze12498ok 103122...100jestem na liście :) (109)trudne98 okkilka bledy,wynik 111100 ... piękne... jak urok chwili tej ... szcześcia w Nowym Roku ... niech was otaczają dobre anioły :)gra ok120 ;-)Ufff. Kto mnie przebije... i ulozy dluzej? 323 pkt! :)jestUkładając czuję jakbym rzeźbił te figury. Fajne i twórcze !!! :-)uty 186jjj19798, ok106, ciekawe co z nimi teraz, po pożarzeok108194

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