Puzzles solved by ttt

Stajnia pub in Krakow online puzzle"STABLE" continued;)) puzzle online from photoPictures from near Florianska. puzzle online from photoCottage in the Smoky Mountains (USA) online puzzleHalloween-2 online puzzleThe last puck from the series of the gallery in Krakow; (( online puzzleEveryone according to their needs! puzzle online from photoKrakow Gallery, cont online puzzlecatering puzzle online from photocandy online puzzleFan penguins or swans? puzzle online from photoFood ;-)) online puzzleHolidays are getting closer online puzzleChristmas is just around the corner puzzle online from photoAnother cassettes from the Cloth Hall. online puzzleJan Matejko "Children of the Artist" online puzzleSolaris Urbino 18 online puzzle