Puzzles solved by daria

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Church in Corbu (Romania)84Gabriela Insuratelu • solved 1,572 times
Hot Springs80Elżbieta K • solved 292 times
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PARK55Elżbieta K • solved 320 times
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Old smithy in Rothenburg on der Tauber (Germany)35Wolfgang Zwanzger • solved 8,250 times
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Colorful Santorini (Greece)100Freeartist • solved 4,089 times
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Panorama of Helsinki (Finland)60Scanrail • solved 1,189 times
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Kronborg Castle in Helsingør (Denmark)40(c) Andrei Nekrassov • solved 3,466 times
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Black coffee and sandwiches with caviar paste54Galina Onishchenko • solved 9,871 times
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Board with different types of cheese77Mara Zemgaliete • solved 6,006 times
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Cheesecake with strawberries70Luis Manuel Tapia Bolivar • solved 4,205 times
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BOUQUET64elkusi • solved 840 times
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Roses48sedo • solved 571 times
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spring on the windowsill :-)70elkusi • solved 334 times
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The composition of spices and peppers130Olena Kucherenko • solved 2,460 times
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Tomato sauce surrounded by spices, oil and tomatoes117Yana Gayvoronskaya • solved 5,392 times
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Old tenement houses in Washington, DC (USA)32avmedved • solved 6,420 times
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Bowl of cherries on a white table63Nitr • solved 4,286 times
Chili peppers online puzzleSolve puzzle
Chili peppers40Elena Shchipkova • solved 1,842 times
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