Autumn journey online puzzle

Bonita Cheshier 54 2014-06-10
Autumn journey puzzle online from photo

It is no surprise that towards the end of summer the crowns of deciduous trees change their color. Chlorophyll is responsible for greenness of leaves – it is their natural pigment, which starts disappearing and in the form of simpler organic compounds penetrates into the trunk. This is how trees get ready for winter by storing up the nutrients. The remaining pigments comprised in leaves gives them various colors – yellow, orange, red and brown. It is a slow process, thanks to which a tree crown may distinguish a wide variety of gradually interfusing colors. It is easiest to observe the effect of the “autumn rainbow” on the rows of roadside trees, which we pass with a certain speed. Then the warm colors combine into unique opalescent compositions. When we travel along a narrow dirt road lush vegetation on the sides of the road creates a kind of a colorful tunnel.

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