Lighthouse on Tarkhankut Peninsula (Crimea) online puzzle

Igor Strukov 48 2018-02-05
Lighthouse on Tarkhankut Peninsula (Crimea) online puzzle

The lighthouse on the Tarkhankut Peninsula is located on the western extremity of Crimea. Its construction started in 1816 with the intention to make sailing around the peninsula safer. The lighthouse was built with the use of stones obtained near Sevastopol, which were then transported on barges to their destination. A year after the beginning of the lighthouse construction it was ready to serve its function. Over the years, the systems installed in the lighthouse have been modernized, however, life of the lighthouse keepers has never been easy due to strong winds and harsh winters. Today the lighthouse and the daily duties of its keepers can be seen by tourists who arrive in large numbers from the resort of Olenivka that is located nearby.

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