Roman amphitheatre in Pula (Croatia) online puzzle

Ikarasi 88 2014-10-02
Roman amphitheatre in Pula (Croatia) online puzzle

The amphitheatre in Pula is the best preserved Roman historic construction in Croatia and one of the six best preserved in the world. It was built at the turn of the 1st century B.C and the 1st century A.D., and the succeeding emperors continued to extend it. In the Middle Ages the local people used the stones from the amphitheatre as a building material, and only in the 13th century it was forbidden to destroy the construction. At that time it hosted fairs and knights’ tournaments. The edifice has been devastated a few times until the present day and was used as a source of building material. Even in the 18th century the stones from the amphitheatre were used for the construction of the belfry of the cathedral in Pula. Fortunately today the edifice has been renovated and it serves the function of the cultural center of the town. Such famous artists as Luciano Pavarotti or Elton John played concerts in the amphitheatre, its walls were the setting for the historic productions and the image of the amphitheatre was depicted on the reverse of Croatian banknotes.

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