Puzzles solved by moni

Glass counter in the confectionery117Kzenon • solved 2,283 times
Wooden blocks135mbaysan • solved 1,012 times
Jellies sold by weight204Lukasz Skorwider • solved 483 times
Thumbtacks204(c) Norman Pogson - Fotolia.co • solved 2,495 times
Dessert of ripe strawberries96Handmadepictures • solved 1,552 times
Historic town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Germany) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Historic town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Germany)130jakobradlgruber • solved 1,424 times
Bobbins with colorful threads online puzzleSolve puzzle
Bobbins with colorful threads114kenishirotie • solved 4,400 times
Chicken wings online puzzleSolve puzzle
Chicken wings117rez_art • solved 559 times
Different colored bouquets puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Different colored bouquets108sakhorn38 • solved 380 times
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A dog during a cruise25Dominika Soltysik • solved 3,067 times
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Crete80Ilenka • solved 486 times
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Błędowska desert56Sowa • solved 81 times
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Colorful ceramic containers from Prague150ariellagirl • solved 796 times
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Reindeer88(c) Andreas Gradin • solved 1,803 times
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Porcelain trinkets at flea market104Ron Zmiri • solved 5,726 times
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Church and cemetery in Nexø (Denmark)80Łukasz Skorwider • solved 1,279 times
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Rice terraces of Yuanyang (China)187(c) Wilt - Fotolia.com • solved 1,338 times
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Cochabamba railway station (Bolivia)70Filip Faliński • solved 2,827 times
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Butler Library in New York (USA)70Sean Pavone • solved 1,996 times
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Various meat products180Ilka Erika Szasz-fabian • solved 2,921 times
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Three puppies42paylessimages • solved 4,602 times
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Sleeping puppies24toeytoey • solved 2,686 times
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Olive grove after storm (Greece)126(c) Andreas Karelias • solved 1,541 times
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Old city Hall in Bamberg (Germany)54Scanrail • solved 4,074 times
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Red Mini 1000 car in a Mediterranean village66Paul Prescott • solved 3,570 times
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Rice with caramelized apple80lenyvavsha • solved 2,246 times
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Stilton cheese with cranberry96merc67 • solved 2,507 times
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Ziyuan County in the region of Guangxi (China)77Lin Yan • solved 2,075 times
Roman amphitheatre in Pula (Croatia) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Roman amphitheatre in Pula (Croatia)176Ikarasi • solved 1,801 times
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