Captura de tela 2 puzzle online

ISOTX 48 2013-02-05
Captura de tela 2 puzzle online a partir de fotografia

Teste. Temos um joguinho para você! <br />
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Monte o quebra-cabeça para revelar a imagem! <br />
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      Easy =pfdsfsjeej;_;YeehhaaahhhThat was fun. But I just wanted to look at the screenshot a bit closer :(Glorius VictoryCool!OMG!ait's a junglecoolNice shot! I hope the game plays as well as it looks!Enfin :)@DesuStriketanksIt is hard :)Meh I'll go back read the bible instead.took some timewhat thee?!Coollolnot to bad:D!Phew, not a puzzle-meister.muy buenoASDFDAHmmvoilaloolol lol lolllooollsweet!HmmNice!That took me a looot longer than I thought it would. xDPhew!!yay

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