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Pancakes with fruits and chocolate150merc67 • solved 1,184 times
Colorful sprinkles70oksix • solved 3,863 times
Greek slippers126mariusz_prusaczyk • solved 1,354 times
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supper72Elżbieta K • solved 655 times
European peacock puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
European peacock35Fritz Langmann • solved 11,092 times
Old Town in Quedlinburg (Germany) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Old Town in Quedlinburg (Germany)108lianem • solved 1,524 times
Kitten with a ball of wool puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Kitten with a ball of wool30lilun • solved 4,926 times
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Dachshund puppies sleeping in bed45hannamariah • solved 1,073 times
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Vandringsmat15VJ VJ • solved 182 times
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Bamboo bowl with nasi kerabu130Szefei • solved 6,367 times
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Husky puppy30natalia0790 • solved 3,812 times
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Miniature model of the town of Murten (Switzerland)126Sergej Borzov • solved 1,192 times
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White horse in gallop30vikarus • solved 4,382 times
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Bactrian camel in the Gobi Desert (Mongolia)54(c) Dmitry Pichugin (123rf) • solved 2,708 times
Hippopotamus online puzzleSolve puzzle
Hippopotamus54Pawee Lorsuwannarat • solved 3,194 times
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