Puzzles commented by Kasik

Miscellaneous online puzzleSolve puzzle
Miscellaneous256Kati • solved 717 times
FLORENCE puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
FLORENCE252mamina • solved 365 times
Conglomerate;)) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Conglomerate;))330BI • solved 492 times
Rose online puzzleSolve puzzle
Rose48Mateusz • solved 326 times
watercolors online puzzleSolve puzzle
watercolors48kikina • solved 725 times
Mirrors puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Mirrors110yoolka05 • solved 120 times
The Narew River Valley (Poland) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
The Narew River Valley (Poland)35Bogumil • solved 12,051 times
Palace of the Prince of Monaco puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Palace of the Prince of Monaco117(c) Aleksey Trefilov • solved 2,392 times
Spools of thread puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Spools of thread580(c) DJM Photo (123rf) • solved 12,013 times
Lisbon Cityscape puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Lisbon Cityscape459(c) Alexandra Gnatush-kostenko • solved 1,172 times
Morskie Oko (Poland) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Morskie Oko (Poland)60Albert Nowicki • solved 1,635 times
Rabbit on Grass puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Rabbit on Grass48Elena Elisseeva • solved 4,255 times
Coffee grinder online puzzleSolve puzzle
Coffee grinder54(c) achiartistul • solved 6,048 times
Sunset at the sea coast puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Sunset at the sea coast54Nikolay Titov • solved 8,052 times
Siberian Husky online puzzleSolve puzzle
Siberian Husky54Jennifer Selig • solved 6,779 times
Taj Mahal puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Taj Mahal48(c) hugy - FOTOLIA • solved 10,938 times
Mabry Mill (USA) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Mabry Mill (USA)135(c) Michael Klenetsky • solved 1,293 times
Houses in Ljubljana (Slovenia) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Houses in Ljubljana (Slovenia)176(c) Simon Krzic • solved 1,188 times
The Fishing Boat online puzzleSolve puzzle
The Fishing Boat35(c) Arkadiusz Kupiec • solved 5,353 times
Tea plantation (Uganda) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Tea plantation (Uganda)60(c) Dmitry Pichugin (123rf) • solved 4,172 times
Beach in the city of Sousse (Tunisia) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Beach in the city of Sousse (Tunisia)54(c) evgenia76 (123rf) • solved 2,748 times
North Point Cliffs - Barbados puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
North Point Cliffs - Barbados48Krzysztof Sawicki • solved 1,585 times
Stonehenge (United Kingdom) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Stonehenge (United Kingdom)117(c) Keith Levit • solved 1,772 times
Highway junction in Chicago (USA) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Highway junction in Chicago (USA)266(c) Mario Savoia • solved 2,587 times
Licorice allsorts online puzzleSolve puzzle
Licorice allsorts176(c) Marilyn Barbone • solved 3,663 times
Bottle caps puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Bottle caps280(c) tihis • solved 3,827 times
Sunflower online puzzleSolve puzzle
Sunflower60(c) Irochka - Fotolia.com • solved 15,579 times
Lighthouses at Elsinore harbor (Denmark) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Lighthouses at Elsinore harbor (Denmark)40(c) Niklas Ramberg • solved 6,263 times
Towels puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Towels368(c) Ruta Saulyte-Laurinavicien • solved 7,883 times
Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano70Daniel Rychcik • solved 1,858 times
Reims Aviation F172 puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Reims Aviation F17296Daniel Rychcik • solved 462 times
Coloured pencils online puzzleSolve puzzle
Coloured pencils24(c) Irina Tischenko (123rf) • solved 11,378 times
Karlstein Castle (Czech) online puzzleSolve puzzle
Karlstein Castle (Czech)96(c) rglinsky - FOTOLIA • solved 1,998 times
Colloseum in Rome (Italy) puzzle online from photoSolve puzzle
Colloseum in Rome (Italy)60(c) Danilo Ascione - FOTOLIA • solved 2,965 times
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