Jigsaw Puzzle online puzzle
![Jigsaw Puzzle online puzzle](https://assets.epuzzle.info/puzzle/166/790/original.jpg)
Circles filled with colorful patterns - a puzzle
Best results for 14x8 size
Best time
0:57 puzzlelover 1:59 bowess 2:52 rycho - 2:56
SernikHalinki1930. - 3:01
kamyk - 3:08
mim7 - 3:18
PatPati - 3:36
aloes - 3:41
JoK - 3:42
Best accuracy
99 MaGia 103 puzzlelover 104 kamyk - 105 (3:52)
waleryy - 105 (3:55)
aqq - 105 (4:14)
SernikHalinki1930. - 105 (4:30)
Rene71 - 105 (4:37)
waldi - 106 (4:10)
Iwopra - 106 (5:37)
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