Puzzles in which oldboy-39 is on the podium in the ranking based on moves

Also check the puzzles where oldboy-39 is in a specific place in the ranking based on moves:
and in the ranking based on time:

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colorful windows252mamina • solved 249 times
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jewelry252mamina • solved 309 times
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Images255Dorka • solved 2,092 times
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furniture set196oldboy-39 • solved 91 times
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Souvenirs143Elżbieta K • solved 235 times
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Berlin80kchetek • solved 99 times
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Mexico City120kchetek • solved 136 times
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colored glass221mamina • solved 114 times
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on the mountain pass169oldboy-39 • solved 20 times
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Flowers255Dorka • solved 587 times
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Tarragona99Elżbieta K • solved 218 times
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Crete - Knossos132Ilenka • solved 39 times
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Autumn in the mountains110Ilenka • solved 124 times
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On the Adriatic84Elżbieta K • solved 227 times
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Christmas Village A.169magda tcz • solved 162 times
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Bridge at Iguazú Falls (Argentina /Brazil)117rmnunes • solved 585 times
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Christmas decoration96Elżbieta K • solved 263 times
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colorful doors252mamina • solved 242 times
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Breakfast300Aluś • solved 73 times
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