Entsafter Online-Puzzle

geo geo 48 2016-06-28
Entsafter Online-Puzzle

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      I scored 46yes!yeay!!wish to winI scored 48I scored 49Donefun to play this puzzle game , score 126wow...finally doneWish to winWOW. GRAETWish to winVERY NICE PUZZLE.. IT IMPROVE THINKING.SCORE-110 Wow! Would absolutely Love to WIN this Fantastic Prize ❤ LIKED & shared ❤Hope to be the Luckiest WINNER of yours ❤Wow! Would absolutely Love to WIN this Fantastic Prize ❤ LIKED & shared ❤Hope to be the Luckiest WINNER of yours ❤85Thank youdonePlease make Me Win :)LolWow, I got the of Score: 45 Solve N Win for UAE #SonashiWow ! InterestingWish to winDone.Hope to winWish to win sore 46Wow finally puzzle solved!Done:)Done.Hope to winDone.Hope to win.Done.NiceDone110Wish to win scroe 49Wish to win scroe 53SCORE 43What score should reachOhh it's so much fun and interesting puzzle I really enjoyed a lotOhh i got 57 yahoooDONE! MY SCORE 44yeywish to win score 45

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