The most popular puzzles of the last 12 months

A year is a very long time. Enough for there to be hundreds of thousands of new puzzles to put together. But which ones are the best? Below you'll see nearly 500 puzzles that have been put together most eagerly over the past 12 months.

Single Hut In Bali online puzzleSicilian town (Italy) puzzle online from photoUmbrella View online puzzleHeap of vegetables and fruits online puzzleStill life of colorful vegetables and fruits puzzle online from photoFlowers - painting online puzzleArboretum puzzle online from photoTropical Forest Birds puzzle online from photoRunning River puzzle online from photoFruit salad online puzzleThe tree leaves online puzzleFloral Mix puzzle online from photoLandscaped Yard online puzzleFlowers online puzzleSymbolism of colorful flowers puzzle online from photoFlowers puzzle online from photoKITTENS! puzzle online from photoCactus In Bloom puzzle online from photoDucky Strange puzzle online from photoRoztoka Creek (Poland) puzzle online from photoParadise beach with white sand (Maldives) online puzzleA bunch of colorful flowers puzzle online from photofrugts online puzzleLiving In A Room 8 puzzle online from photo
Miss Doolittle puzzle online from photoFloral mix online puzzleLean To In Patio puzzle online from photoFloral collage online puzzleFlowers online puzzleTest for interest online puzzleOrchids On A Shelf puzzle online from photoWeather Patterns online puzzleFloral Mix puzzle online from photoWicker Roomq puzzle online from photoFlowers online puzzleAutumn In Colors online puzzleFlower arrangements puzzle online from photoGarden Supplies puzzle online from photoButterflies puzzle online from photoFlowers online puzzleFloral Mix puzzle online from photoFloral Mix online puzzleTesting Puzzles online puzzleparty wow online puzzleFruit composition puzzle online from photoNature Shots puzzle online from photoM. Mediterranean online puzzlePrimavara puzzle online from photo
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